When traveling, I try to research and plan out interesting things to due in each region... and then I force Bryan to due them with me!
Todays outing was to The Golden Lamb Buttery, an old-fashioned family run restaurant started in 1963. The restaurant is in a barn on a prestine farm surrounded by stone walls (love them!) and seriously beautiful scenic views. The owners 20-something granddaughter has taken over the business and is the hostess as well.
We literally drove through the state of Connecticut and waaaaaaay out into the countryside for our lunch at The Golden Lamb Buttery.
It was so worth the drive, as Bryan and I both agree -- it was the best meal *from 1st course through desert* that we've ever eaten EVER.
The entrance to the restaurant is on the right and the part of the barn to the left is where the dining room is (we looked out the far left window while eating)

Then we walked through the long barn admiring all of their country decor
The lamb chalkboard was the menu
Doesn't it all look staged or fake?
But it wasn't... this is just their everyday dining room
My Sherry Mushroom soup with a puff pastry on top was to. die. for. good!
Bryan ordered the French Peasant soup with beef as his 1st course, but ate it so fast that I didn't get a photo... guess he liked it!
I couldn't believe that they were serving us on such beautiful, antique china!
I couldn't believe that they were serving us on such beautiful, antique china!
I didn't want my meal to end... really, I didn't.......
The carrot cake bread was heavenly
Had to.
Bryan had the chocolate and carmel tart.
I had the apple pie.
I just about fell off of my bench when I tasted the whip cream and realized that it was homemade...
Homemade "I feel like I'm eating a delishes cloud" whip cream!
Does life get an better?
Because I don't think it does!
I grew up traveling with my family and experiencing great food from a young age.
My parents never hesitated to take my brother and I to a nice restaurant, for they expected us to mind our manners and find something to eat on the menu.
We always did and now I have such gratitude for my parents believing in us and our ability to rise to the occasion as children and teens.
And along those same lines, Bryan and I have eaten so much great food in all of our travels.
I am quite the foody.
I take after my mom, who is the food snob of food snobs. Not in a snobby way though. She just appreciates and understand great, homemade food. And she's an amazing cook too!
This was, by far, is the best meal I have ever had in my life.
Bryan, who has become quite the foody since meeting me, agrees.
We are already planning our next trip to Connecticut, which might be my 40th birthday 10 years from now, hahaha!!!
We are already planning our next trip to Connecticut, which might be my 40th birthday 10 years from now, hahaha!!!
I must add that on our way home we went clothes shopping. I love it when Bryan gets new clothes and today was defnitely his day... man is my honey gonna look hot in all his new winter gear!
I got 2 coats, a cute top and fun jewelry!
After our big lunch and then a fulfilling evening shopping, we cooked dinner and plopped on the couch with ice cream for the 2nd night in a row and watched Fred Claus and then House Bunny (they were on TBS back to back). Let me just say that Fred Cluas is adorable and actually really funny, but House Bunny takes the cake for funny. It was unpredictable and hilarious!!! Bryan snorted he was laughing so hard... oh man, he's gonna kill me for saying that.......
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