Huntington Beach is a very special place to both Bryan and I, for different reasons.
While in college at Cal State Long Beach, I lived in Huntington... just back from Main St.
I have some crazy memories from that time in my life... on Main St, at Freds, Hurricane's... stumbling around, walking to the beach... driving up PCH to get to class.
They are college memories that I will cherish forever.. the ones I remember anyway!
Bryan, on the other hand... well, Bryan's sister used to live in Huntington too.
She worked at Huntington Beach Brewery before she died.
Bryan and I like to hang out in Huntington not only because it's beyond beautiful and fun, but also because we have so many important memories from the area.
The apartment complex I lived in in college... it looks the exact same as it did back in 2001-2003
California Christmas at it's finest!
Main St.
I used to walk to it when I lived in Huntington, so Bry and I popped in for lunch and brought it across the street to eat on the sand
Have always loved this surfboard art
Bryan and Cali
Cali-girl and I with HB pier in the background

this is Tracy's bench
Bryan's mom made sure to have Tracy's bench face south, so that she can always have a view of the ocean and Newport Beach
Cali enjoyed her day in Huntington

*this is where my family celebrated my college graduation*
We attempted to take a pic, but the sun wasn't workin' with us :(
We seriously had such a great afternoon reliving memories and making new ones in this oh-so-awesome beach town.

Bryan and I love family days with the 3 of us especially because they always revolve around the outdoors, the sun and a picnic (or eating outdoors).
Plus, we love to watch our little fur baby chase birds and run around like a mad woman!
Surf City USA!
That is so neat that they dedicated a bench in one of her favorite places. What a great place to go and remember her!