About a month ago we found out that we were swapping regions with another team and heading to the southeast for the remainder of our program. This news was welcomed with a bit of shock, as we had grown to love our south region. But when we found out that we'd randomly get the week of Thanksgiving off, excitement began to pump through our veins, as we were close enough to Charlotte to drive home for the holiday!
Y'all, we hadn't been home since August.
And yes, I just said y'all. You try spending 3 months in the trenches of the south/deep south! It wears on you...
Anyway, we were blessed with 4 glorious nights in our brand spankin' new home. Although there was still mounds of work to be done around the house, our little escape from work was truly refreshing. And these 4 nights felt like an eternity of time at home!
So what is the first thing you do after being gone for so long?
Clean! Oh man, do you clean. Not exactly what I wanted to do first, but the dust bunnies, cob webs, fallen plaster particles and and layers of yuckiness on everything needed tended to immediately. It was nasty! Definitely getting a cleaning person in there before Christmas...

My new babies came in the mail!

Bryan put up our Christmas lights (that we bought in Mississippi) the very day we arrived home. We were too excited! His good buddy came over to lend an extra hand. Love having accountable friends who are just as eager to see us as we are them!

I stepped away to grab a chai at my newest coffee joint - I'm bound and determined to become a local!

That night I made dinner for the 1st time in 13 weeks. For this special occasion I even broke out my olive oil that we purchased while in Italy!

Dishes. I know how crazy this sounds, but I was so happy to get to do dishes in my new kitchen! Dishes = I'm home

Wine. And not only wine, but my own wine glass. It's been forever since I've drank out of a glass that strangers didn't drink out of before me!

Horrible picture, but so thrilled to be on my couch, with a throw blanket. I crave a couch and a throw while I'm out of town!

Ahhhh, my ring was finally back in it's home. You have no clue how nerve wracking it is to take my ring on and off in hotels as much as I do. I have a designated spot to put it when I shower in hotels, but nothing is the same as the seashell that Bryan found while walking his dog in Huntington Beach back when we first got engaged. This shell is my rings home!

The next morning I was elated to make a healthy smoothie out of fresh fruit

Then Bryan and I headed out to cross some things off of our list. One of which was to purchase the last piece of furniture for our bedroom. Now our set is complete! While Bryan signed paperwork, I relaxed in the most ugly, yet overwhelmingly comfortable chaise... classy.

Bry decided he wanted to "check out" tv's. Next thing you know we're sitting down signing a credit card slip. Oy vey

The reason we live where we live... and not in southern CA anymore....

While I took an afternoon nap on my couch (something I dream about doing while on the road) Bryan surprised me and put together the rocking chairs that I bought back in August. I practically cried when I woke up. Joy.

My throw went everywhere with me, even onto my rocking chair front porch - EEEEEK - dreams do come true!

Bryan has worn many hats in his life, but my most favorite random hat is that he used to hang Christmas lights professionally. He did this for years -- even after I met him. He hung them in LA, therefore he's a complete perfectionist and a true professional, haha!

That afternoon we had overlapping hair appointments. Cute? Not really. My hair hadn't been touched by a pro since July - I was in major need of a cut and some dimension put back in. I'm hating this brown hair and am excited to start slowly working myself light again!