Friday, January 16, 2015

my journey to a healthier lifestyle: #modernmomonamission

I'm thinking that this blog isn't enough...
Lets be friends on facebook too, k?
And what about instagram?

July 2014 - 1 month into my nutritional rebalancing cleanse/detox

There is $186 million / day spent on diet products in the US alone that DO NOT WORK.
This is NOT a diet. This IS a LIFESTYLE.

I have written this post. Re-written it. Deleted it. Pushed back the publish date time and time again. You name it, I've done it... for the last 6 months. But with the new year comes a newly awakened me. I'm turning my cheek to judgements, side-eyes, gossip and anything else that could be directed my way. Because lets be honest here, that is a 'you' problem, not a 'me' problem... And my lifestyle is too great to not share the reason why with you all!

A Little Background
I’ve eaten this superfood off and on for almost 5 years now, so this isn’t a new thing for me or a “fad” or anything like that! When I was “training” for my wedding back in April 2010 (aka getting in the best shape of my life) I used this nutritional rebalancing program for 6 weeks and lost 18 lbs. I was at the lowest weight I’d ever been at as an adult and felt healthier and more energized than I knew was possible. I was putting good stuff in and getting the bad stuff out... it wasn't magic and it wasn't hard. I was eating about 1,200 calories a day. The body needs fuel and I was fueling it with the best of the best, which is why I saw results so quickly. Ever since then, this product became my lifestyle and I've used it for years now...
Left: Croatia 2 weeks after our wedding /// Right: British Virgin Islands days after our wedding

Fast Forward to This Past Summer
I committed fully to this healthier lifestyle and lost 13lbs in 1 month, all while eating about 1,200 calories/day. I was on top of the world! I’m dead serious when I say that this past summer I had NEVER felt better! Because I had rid my body of nasty toxins and was instead putting the best nutrients into it (300 nutrients to be exact)! I mean... I woke up at 6:30am and I never peaked or crashed. I turned into a go go go game-playing, tickle-monster, chasing-you-around-the-house laughing hysterically kinda mama. And I did it all. day. long. Without caffeine! I had a ton of energy at bath-time and was sad to see Trace go to sleep at bedtime. Truth be told, before then I used to count down the minutes until bedtime because I’d be so worn out by the happenings of the day. But this summer I was sad at bedtime and wanted HIM to stay up to play with ME!! When we are alkaline our blood and health are remarkable! If you follow me on Instagram you might have noticed a change in me -- a physical, emotional, spiritual evolution had occurred. And apparently Bry liked the "new and improved me" because before I knew it I was pregnant again. 

* 2nd picture - day 1 on my nutritional rebalancing program in June 2014
* 3rd picture - 2 weeks later
* 1st picture - 1 year to the day prior to the 3rd picture

Where I am Today
I'm so grateful that the nutritional rebalancing program I've been on for nearly 5 years is pregnancy (and breastfeeding) safe! This same nutrition that helped me lose all of that weight for my wedding and just this past summer is now helping me stay healthy throughout this pregnancy. With the combination of the highest quality, most absorbable organic denatured whey protein and 72 trace organic minerals that most of our regular food is depleted of, my baby is benefiting from the same nutrients that have been so life changing for me! I totally wish I would have used it when I was pregnant with Trace... because let me tell you, when comparing my last pregnancy to this one, my physical appearance is way different!! I'm carrying more in my belly right now vs. how I carried with Trace, which showed equal weight gain in my face/arms/legs/belly... I look much more healthy, less bloated, etc this time (even though I've technically gained more weight on the scale)!! Most importantly, I FEEL healthier because I AM healthier!

Food for Fuel
It's non-GMO, organically based, is soy free and exceeds USDA standards. Knowing that it's been so easy to take control of my health (and my unborn child's health!) has lifted a huge weight off of my shoulders. I want to put the best of the best in my body, to keep it running at full-speed for as long as possible, know what I’m sayin’?! A lot of us eat food for enjoyment. But lets face it, our body is designed to eat food for life! To live!! We better fuel it properly.

I'm having formatting issues, so I apologize for the crazy fonts, color/size changes and anything else. I can't seem to fix it. Help!


  1. So what is your secret?!! Shakeology? Advocare? This mama needs all the help she can get after having 2 babies in 16 months! I would love to know :)

    1. None of the above :) Feel free to e-mail me at I'd love to explain more!

  2. I am very intrigued. Tell me more!

  3. Hi! First time commenter but I've been reading your blog for a while! My family and I (husband and two daughters, ages 2 and 1) actually just moved to Charlotte a few months ago! We love it here so far (from AZ!).

    I am definitely interested in hearing more about this! Does your husband do it too? My husband and I are both trying to find a plan to get healthier. He probably needs to lose about 30 lbs and we both want to have more energy and just feel healthier. I don't "need" to lose any weight but I definitely need to tone up and get my diet in order. I workout a few times a week but my diet is my main struggle!!

    Can't wait to hear more, thank you for sharing!!


    1. Yes! My husband lives this lifestyle also!! He's actually on quite a journey right now :)

  4. what is this superfood you speak of?! You look amazing!!!!

  5. Oh please share your secret!! I have to know!!! I want to have more energy and be healthier!!

  6. When I got to the end, I was like what's the secret. Did I miss it so I went back and read the post again. You've got my attention, so what's this superfood?

  7. Hi Kate! I'd love to hear more... Can you e-mail me (I've noticed you're asking for this on Instagram). Thanks! My e-mail is

  8. There is a HUGE difference in how you look. Although you look amazing in both, I totally get the healthier look/lifestyle. Your face is much thinner now. But you ALWAYS look fantastic!! Are you working out with #2?
    Also, hello hot mama in that black bikini!!!!!!!

  9. I'd love to know about this super food!

  10. You look amazing! I am really trying to jumpstart myself this year after having a baby 9 months ago...would love to know more about this! Thanks so much!

  11. Yes, what is this superfood? You look awesome!

  12. You totally left us hanging. So.....what is it?!

  13. I'm intrigued...what is this superfood you speak of???

  14. Replies
    1. It actually isn't! Shakeology is great, but their whey protein isolate is denatured (meaning the proteins are altered through chemical or physical means) and the calories in their shakes are to low to be a true meal replacement. My superfood is the opposite :)

  15. I am trying to conceive currently and would be interested in what you are referring to.

    Thank you!

  16. Are you planning on another follow up to this post. I would love to hear more. I too thought it was Shakeology (Which I thought was great).


  17. Please send me info. I'm excited! I thought I left a comment yesterday but don't see it. You can email be at

  18. Are you going to tell us or continue leaving us hanging?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. My intention wasn't to leave you hanging, and it seems that most people who have been genuinely interested in hearing more have left a comment here asking for more info or have e-mailed me directly at I reply to every e-mail, so please feel free to hit me up :)

  20. I would like to know more about it. I just assumed there would be a follow up to the blog post. I'm sorry, I thought you were not done explaining.

  21. I have been reading up on superfoods, but would love to know more about what specifically you are doing. You look amazing and sounds like you feel even better! =)

  22. I'm def gonna hit you up in 8 months… lol! ;)

  23. Hi Kate,
    My email is Just realized we have to contact you directly.


  24. I'd like to know what shake you're using please!? Thanks!

  25. Oooh, I would love to know. Come June, I will take anything to get back to my normal self! Could you email me at jillj (at) classywithakick (dot) com? Thanks!!

    Classy with a Kick

  26. Im interested in knowing what you are using. Please email me at

  27. Hi Kate! I'm definitely interested in hearing about your superfood...please share! Thanks, Jen

  28. Hi!
    I'd love some more info. I'm trying to lose about 15 pounds before the end of March...and I've just been DRAGGING! My email is martha.r.lea at!

  29. Can't wait to hear more!

  30. I am very interested😄

  31. Would you please email me as well? THANK YOU!

  32. Please email me at Would love to hear more about the super food.

  33. I'm interested! Please email me

  34. I'd love to hear more about this new find! I've been reading your blog for awhile and find it so inspiring!

  35. I'm interested!

  36. Sorry here is my email:

  37. I believe I sent you my contact info and while back and you emailed me but the timing was off, could you send me some info on what you're using via email?? I am currently pregnant with baby #2 and would love some help jumping back to my norm after baby!! Thanks girl:)

  38. Knowing that it's been so easy to take control of my health (and my unborn child's health!) has lifted a huge weight off of my shoulders. hotel europa ancient olympia greece

  39. Knowing that it's been so easy to take control of my health (and my unborn child's health!) has lifted a huge weight off of my shoulders. hotel europa ancient olympia greece

  40. I'm interested in receiving information about the nutritional health plan. thank you


I love hearing from you and always try to respond to your comments!