Friday, February 24, 2012

cali and the iPad

On Christmas night we gave Cali a little extra present - a doggy friend on my parents iPad... Now she always does this to the tv, but she's never been this close to the dog. Check out how hilarious her reaction was!


  1. bahaha! She is soooo precious to me. I have never been a huge fan of little dogs, but SHE makes me want to have one ASAP. Her pawing the screen was priceless! Uggie watches television all the cracks my Sh*t up. Gotta love our doggies :-) you and beth have fun this weekend!!!

  2. LOL I died!!! Cali never ceases to put a smile on my face. She's simply letting that "ipad dog" know who's boss!!! Baileah watches TV but he curls up & gets comfy like he knows what the heck is going on!

  3. you know what other animals scratch like that? cats.

  4. Your one little Cali Love is way smarter than all of mine combined. I must remind myself next time to not adopt/rescue dumb beagles :)!

  5. That is so cute!! My lil dog Lizzie always paws at my iphone when I put my mom on speaker phone. hahaha I guess she thinks she is diggigng to her. Thanks for sharing this video

  6. Can't wait to see her and you - she's just tooooo cute for words - you, tooooo!

  7. Omg this is the cutest thing in the world! Whenever we skype with my younger sister, she'll call Winston (our family dog) and he'll look all around the iPad for her because he can't figure out where she is! Happy Friday, Kate!

  8. That is the cutest thing ever!! We are going to have to give Trot Nixon a little taste of a dog friend to with our IPad (though I'm not too sure if he is as smart as Cali)

  9. that video was too funny! when i was watching it, as soon as scooter (next to me on the couch) heard cali bark he perked right up and watched her on the video and kept cocking his head from side to side!

  10. haha I love the part when she backs under the table haha. Daisy swats at the computer screen when she wants me to put it down haha.

  11. OMG I AM OBSESSSED!!!!!!!!!!! my sophie would do the exact same thing :) they are so clever, aren't they ;)


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